Thursday, October 23, 2008

Twelfth Night: Signifiance of Title

As discussed by Professor Little during lecture, the "Twelfth Night" in the title of the play corresponds to January 6, which is twelve days after Christmas. This day signifies the official end of Christmas festivities, indicating that the play is set in an anti-regulatory world.

The instability referenced in the title is evocative of numerous themes present throughout the play, including the effects of doubling:

1) Twins Viola and Sebastian
2) Maria writing the letter to Malvolio in Olivia's hand
3) Sebastian vs. Sebastian Sr.
4) Gender switching (made more confused by the fact that male actors played female characters)

Another example of instability lies in the convoluted differentiation between actors and players. Are the actors acting at playing, or are the players playing out acting?

Vanessa Yeh
Section 1B

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