Thursday, October 23, 2008

Key Terms

Key Terms

Interregnum means ‘between monarchs’ and lasted from (1642-1660). During this time England had no monarchs because Charles 1st was dethroned in 1642. The playhouses were also closed during this time, and when they finally opened, plays emerged as highly promiscuous, and women were finally on stage.

Machiavellian: A character in Shakespeare is called Machiavellian when he/she breaks the fourth wall and addresses the audience by revealing what plan will be put into action. This character is seeks power and will go through various actions to obtain it.

Priscilla Dominguez
Section 1F


ENGL 142B - Shakespeare: The Later Plays said...
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ENGL 142B - Shakespeare: The Later Plays said...

Tragic Flaw: A quality that is none variable, and which will bring to one's downfall. An example of "Tragic Flawy", can be seen in Macbeth.

Tara Kangarlou
Aaron Gorelik 1F

ENGL 142B - Shakespeare: The Later Plays said...

Stychomythia: is a "single line" exchange. Macbeth opens up with such technique. and the pattern continues in the play.

Tara Kangarlou

Aoron gorelik