Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Measure for Measure in terms of locations

Measure for Measure includes a series of important locations, where a remote zone (where we find Mariana), a nunnery, and a prison are highlighted. The characters are, in a sense, residing in these dead zones. In addition to Mariana being in the remote area, we find the character Barnardine "hanging out" in the prison for an extended period of time. Professor Little referred to these locations as "dead zones." These "dead zones" comprise Vienna, as there is no central government to hold the city together. The question to be discussed is what is Vienna if what we find in the play is not a public, vibrant space, but rather, a series of dead zones? The problem with Vienna, and the problem for anyone who rules over Vienna, is the fact that it becomes, in essence, the issue of having to rule over "dead zones." The problem for the Duke is the fact that, in a sense, his characters are all "dead," as they reside within these dead zones. There is a shift in the last act however, as the act takes place at the city gates of Vienna. Suddenly there is a public space, with a sense of community and centrality.

Lauren Rosenthal
Section 1C

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