Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lear's Stripped Identity

Act II Scene 4 lines 10-19 is where things begin to fall apart for Lear. In this scene King Lear and Kent have a conversation which reveals Lear's sense of himself of being a spiritual body. He is beginning to go mad and being stripped of his identity but he tries to hold on. Professor Little brought up this passage in lecture because it is important to mark it at the point where 'the storm begins' against Lear. As the play progresses we can see Lear lose more and more of his sanity. According to the theory of the King's two bodies Lear believed he had two bodies; one physical and one spiritual. He believed that if he gave up his physical body he could still maintain his spiritual body. However we learn that is not case as it causes Lear to go mad and lose his sense of identity.

Jacob Lopez
Ian Hoch
Section 1E

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