Friday, December 5, 2008

King Lear ID - Apostrophe

Not, Nothing - works against language that has underscores driven by the apostrophe:
Call out upson Mytrical force (GODS HEAVENS) Jupiter, Jove Line 220 (2.4)

When Lear 1st does this it is grand because he is King Lear but by Act 2.4 it ends as an underscore scene of the empty theater.
All grandeo is not about calling on God because infact they are not there. Theater packed with gods, etc is an empty space.

Sententiousness: empty feels good.

Lear who's been in charge disinegrates infront of us. We have reached end of emotionality. There is no where else for him to go. (Line 259) 2.4

Christina Salinas (Chris)

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