Thursday, December 4, 2008

Before the Fall/After the Fall

When discussing King Lear, Professor Little used the terms prelapsarian and postlapsarian which means roughly before the fall and after the fall. In a biblical sense, the words refer to the origin story in which Adam and Eve resided in the Garden of Eden and lived in a perfect state of being. The postlapsarian event is the fall from grace when the first couple disobeys God and his authority. To relate to Shakespeare's play, King Lear, King Lear imagines a prelapsarian world in which everything is perfect and without conflict. In the land of disillusionment, he believes his failure and his daughters' action of rebellion starts a postlapsarian period. Ironically, his world was never perfect and this change never occurred. Shakespeare reminds the reader there is never a "perfect" place to live in. This highlights King Lear's denial of conflict and change.

Margarete Villalobos
Aaron Gorelik
Disc. 1C

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